My hair was getting so dang long and scraggly, so I decided I should cut 4 to 5 inches off, which is nothing when your hair is as long as mine. Then I got to thinkin', you know if I am going to cut 5 inches then why the hell not make it 10 inches to donate to 'Locks of Love.'
Thus, I pondered on it for a month, and had my mom and Kelsie measure it a bunch of times to see how short my hair would be. After measuring 20 or 30 times we determined that I could still have a pony-tail, which is a#1 in my book. I was still not sure, but made an appointment with my #1 hair-doer Genny and told her my thoughts. I told her that I will not know for sure until she gets the official measurement. Well, after she measured it and determined I could successfully put it in a pony-tail, I said, "Let's just do it, and do it quick, before I change my mind."
snip snip!!!
And there it was shorter than I can ever remember my hair being. I knew I had to do it or I would be mad at myself for not going through with it, and to be honest, I kinda like it (but don't tell any one I said that, haha!)

and a lil shout out to the blog stalkers, Karen and Tammy!