The Barton household finally has a decent Kitchen! The construction began in the spring, and was completely finished just in time for us to have Thanksgiving.
The West side of the kitchen (we have a dishwasher now... movin on up!)
The Barton household finally has a decent Kitchen! The construction began in the spring, and was completely finished just in time for us to have Thanksgiving.
The West side of the kitchen (we have a dishwasher now... movin on up!)
This was a perfect ending to a great hunt!
Ok, so this is kind of a long story, but I am going to try to shortin’ it up. If you don’t wanna read it you don’t have to, just skip down to the rest of the post.. I just thought I would type it because, well I can, and also maybe if any hunters out there want to read it. I am just thinking that Uncle Richard will enjoy it
Opening morning my Dad, Derek, and I went out on four-wheelers and my Mom, Bron, and Kelsie went in the truck. My Dad said he was going to go down into the flats and Derek said he was going to go through Sky Valley to the bottom of the flats where he had seen some nice bucks on the muzzleloader hunt. Before I left Derek told me that if I am down in the flats to go look in the draws that run down to Sky Valley in case he scares some bucks up to me. I had seen a few does and fawns in the morning then I decided to go look through the draws Derek was talking about. The first one I went to look in there was a hunter, and in the second one there was also a hunter. I then went to the next draw and didn’t see a hunter, but a buck standing behind a tree. He was about 350 yards away and I could see antlers, so I decided to shoot at him. I leaned over the fourwheeler and shot at his neck, since I could only see his head and neck. I totally missed and he took of full speed up the hill back towards the north. Two other bucks ran with him, but they were smaller. I shot 2 more shots at him and missed. He was running fast and was getting away quick. My fourth shot knocked him to the ground and he rolled about 50 feet down the hill. I was hoping he was dead, but he jumped up and tried to run back up hill and couldn’t. I was glad he headed down hill, which is a good sign that he was hit hard. I was trying to watch him and reload at the same time. He ran to the bottom of the draw before I could get reloaded.
I called my Dad and Derek and told them I had shot a buck and they headed over. Derek was the guy in the draw next to me so he just walked over. I began my descent down the drawn when all of a sudden I see our white truck pull up. My mom, Bron, and Kels jump out. I figured that my Dad had called them to come and help. So I just said, “I need Help finding him.” (they were like “Jonie, Jonie!” and I said, “Help me Help Me!” Not really but after words Bronson said that it was it reminded him of when I said I needed help.)
My dad didn’t call them; they just saw my fourwheeler up on the ridge and came to see what I was doing. So I explained to them where I had shot and they started lookin for blood. They never found blood, but did find were he rolled down the hill. We figured he was gut shot since there wasn’t blood.
I continued walking in the bottom of the draw when I soon met up with Derek. He told me that earlier in the morning he had missed a nice buck with 4 other bucks in the draw next to this one. He also said that he ran into Stan, the UPS man, and he had also missed a nice buck. So, Derek, Dad, and I kept walking down the draw to find him. All of a sudden Stan comes walking through and Derek said something to Stan that I thought was hilarious, he said, “Stan we are too late, she beat us to him!” Stan was not happy for himself, but he was for me.
At the bottom of the draw it widens up into Sky Valley with a wash running east and west. My dad went west, Derek went east and I zig-zagged back and forth. All the sudden I hear Derek yell, “ Jonie I jumped him.” I went over there and Derek said he saw the buck jump up and he ran off before he could get a shot. So, Derek and I took of walking down the wash. I was on one side and he on the other. About a half mile down the wash I was getting discouraged that we would never find him, and I could tell the Derek was too, but we kept trudging on. We walked about another half mile when I heard on the other side of the wash something crashing about. My heart began to pound and I cocked the ol Lever Action and was ready to shoot. I yelled to Derek, “Derek! I hear him, He is in the wash but I can’t see him.” Then I got a glimpse of him and he was trying to run, but he was hunched over so I knew he wasn’t going far. The buck saw Derek and then looked at me and froze where he was at, we had him trapped.
Derek Yelled back that he could see him too, and I said, “Get down I am going to shoot, oh I am shaking! Are you down? I am shooting”
Derek yelled, “I am down, Just shoot.” BOOM! I shot. He was 30 yards away and I was shaking so bad that I hit him in the back leg. Kinda Embarrassing.
Derek said to shoot him again.
I said “I gotta sit down, I am shaking way too bad.”
I shot him and he was down. Derek was the first one too him and he said, “Good job Jonie, way to go!” we were both so excited that we had got him after walking forever and being so discouraged that we would never find him. The buck was still kinda breathing so I let Derek give him one more shot to completely kill him. Derek ran back to get a fourwheeler and to find service to call the rest of the fam and tell them that we had finally got him!
Afterwards Derek just kept laughing about how I told him to get down and how I said I was so shaky. In fact, five days later, he is still laughing about it.
I like this pic cause it makes him look bigger than he really is.
21 inch 4x4
The Camera was in a weird mode, so this pic looks funny, but I like it.
Loadin' em in the truck
I was headed home from skool in Cedar at about 2 o'clock on the afternoon of Monday, September the 29th. The day was a beautiful one. I drove along with the top down admiring the fall foliage. For once in my life I was not speeding, for I was enjoying the spender of the glorious fall day. All of a sudden an image of a running deer popped into the corner of my right eye. I instinctively turned my head and slammed on my breaks at the same time. POOOOOOOOOW!! SMMACKKK! THUMP!!!! The deer made a direct hit on the bumper of the mighty stallion. it then flew up in the air and was attempting to take a seat in my lap, but was blocked by the windshield, and was knocked to the road. I, being the obsessive hunter, looked in my rear view mirror at the deer laying in the middle of the road and the first thing I looked for was whether or not it was a doe or a buck. (are you serious? yes I am, that it the 1st thing I looked for.) It was clearly a doe. I pulled over and inspected the damage of the mustang, and to be honest there was less damage than I expected. I ran back and drug the deer off the road. Then I got in my car and for the first time I swore, and you do NOT wanna know what words came outta my mouth. The stallion was still drive able and I drove home with a broken heart, and hoped that I didn't pass anyone I knew, which is impossible living in Panguitch.
The next journey for the Mustang is to head down to Circleville to Joe Dalton to get repaired. Go with God mustang, and blessed be thy journey!
8 TV show I love to watch:
1- Reba
3- Survivor Man
4- Man vs. Wild
5- Antiques Road Show
6-Most Shows on the History Channel
7- Sponge Bob
8- Drake and Josh
8 Favorite Restaurants:
1- Escobars
2- Pines
3- Applebees
4- Pizza Factory
5- Cheddar Cheese Factory... haha jk -Da and falyn- Cheesecake Factory
6- Toby Keiths- I love this Bar and Grill
7- Costa Vida
8- Henries Drive In
8 Things that happened yesterday:
1-Spent the day at Lake Powell
2-Accidental swallowed a bunch of Lake Bowell Water, which I know will kill me
3- Got sun burnt
4- Boat rides
5- had a competition to see who could find the most golf balls in the lake... I won
6-Packed up camp and left Powell
7- Bubba got stuck in his Chevy and a Ford Pulled him out!!
8- Ate at Escobars on our way home
8 Things I look forward to:
1- Deer Hunt
2- The Weekend
3- Christmas and the Holidays
4- National Finals Rodeo
5- The first snow storm
6- My car to be payed off
7-Graduation, in a year or so
8- Just life in general
8 Things I love about fall:
2- Fall foliage
4- cool weather
6- Eating Apples and Plums from our trees
8- Major League Baseball Playoffs and World Series
8 Things on my wish list:
1- An old, nice Ford Truck
2- Huntin in Alaska
3- Go to Australia
4- A dog
5- A couple of Wave Runners
6-Draw out for an Elk tag
7-Go to all of the Historical sites in America, both Church sites and US sites
8- Hit all the National parks in the US of A
8 People I'm Tagging:
I have about 8 comrades, so all of you
Amanda did this bag tag thing and didn't tag me. I guess she knows I don't have a purse. So, I being a smart alic (is that how you spell alic? I just should have put 'ass' cause I know how to spell that!) anyway, I said, "Da, why didn't you bag tag me?" and she was like, "Oh you are right Jonie I should tag you." I don't know if that was exactly what she said, but it is close. Well, I just feel like since I said something I should do the bag tag. AmanDa, here you go. Hope you enjoy this.
Here are the rules:
1. Take a picture of your bag.
2. Show a picture of ALL of the contents in your bag then name them. NO CLEANING OUT YOUR BAG FIRST!!!!
3. "Bag Tag" five to ten people.
4. Leave a comment on their blog that says "You've been Bag Tagged!!"
I do NOT own a purse. I consider my purse to be my pocket in my britches. The benefit of these pockets is that I don't ever lose them, nor the contents with in my pockets.
Anywho, the bag that I have been carrying with me is my hunting bag. Oh you know it!! My camo hunting bag. The bow hunt started Saturday Aug. 16 and I have been going out almost every night. I take this bag everywhere with me. Even when I am not hunting it is in the trunk of the mustang. Well, here we go...
The Contents: (from top to bottom, Left to right, kinda)
An elk call. A face mask for cold weather, a Poncho for rainy weather, Binoculars, a Range Finder, a deck of cards. Ear muffs, light gloves, flashlight, 2 lip balms yes one is a To-mater from cars, 2 lighters, a swiss army knife, hand sanitizer, IB Profene, 2 packs of gum, an elastic for the perma-tail, a AAA batery, a release for my bow. An H2O bottle, a writing utensil and sticky note pad, water-proof matches, 2 wet wipes, an emergency first aid kit thingy, an emergency blanket. My huntin knife with the case, and last but certainly not lease, a roll of toilet paper in a little case!!
My first fun event was our Annual Girls Baseball trip the 1st week in June. All 8 of us headed to California in our rented plig-rig. Not a one of us slept the whole ride there and back, we were having way too much fun to sleep. Our first stop was to watch the San Diego Padres vs Chicago Cubs. We also spent some time on the ocean on my moms, cousins sailboat. We spent a day at the Zoo and another day at Sea World. We were suppose to come home Friday, but then randomly decided to head to LA to a Dodgers game Friday night. the game was outta control. the security gaurds had to haul out some dudes sitting right next to us for fighting and throwing french frys. And the Dodgers won!! It was a way fun trip.
Our Plig-Rig
On the sail boat!
All of us @ the Padres Game
PadresSea World
(Apparently we forgot to smile, but we really were having fun!)@ The Zoo w/Mr. Gorilla
Go Dodgers
My Dad came out of nowhere and went down the slip n slide, so funny! Me on the Slip n Slide
@ the 4th of July Parade
Cruisin in the 'Stang
We can't forget the Balloon/Volleyball Fest! The Volleyball game was very entertaining. There were over 60 people in my backyard, but no big deal. The cops just showed up once, then quickly left... Sorry Neighbors!!!
I have been to Powell twice now. I went with the Bryce Valley boys and some Panguitch girls, and a bunch more people. I am ready to head back down there right now!
In the Boat & our camp in the backgroundThe beach was covered in stickers, so we bought water shoes @ Wal-mart for $4.88!
The first weekend in August, I went Campin with Bubba and the boys. It was interesting to see the mix of people. When you are hanging out with Bubba you just never know who will show up. It was seriously a melting pot of bizarre unusual groups. There were country kids, city folk, some cowboys, a hippy, and a couple of black boys. It was fun, weird, but fun. Surprisingly, no fights broke out! We would wake up early to go fishing and stay out late four wheelin.
My Monster Fish
I Broke my fishing pole when I rolled my 4wheeler, but thankfully that was the only thing that broke!
This is what rednecks do when they find an old mattress in the mountains
4 of us jumped in the side by side and headed to Powell Point to watch the sunset, but half way there we got a flat tire.We built a fire and waited for our friends to bring us up a pump
Trying to pump up the tire
The tire wouldn't take any air so all 6 of us jumped on one 4wheeler and headed back to camp.We made it safely back to camp, so Norm and I did a lil swing dancin' to celebrate!
Last weekend I went camping with the Fam, for The Barton Family reunion. I spent 4 dirty, wonderful days out camping. It was a joyful time bonding with the Fam Damily.
Kelsie & I playing a game called Wholly BoardMy Mom playing in one of our many tournaments
Dad tossing the washer
Cookin breakfast for 140 people
Derek & Kelsie making their paper rockets for the competition
Bronson and Joel making their rockets
5...4...3...2...1...BLAST OFF!!!Derek preparing to launch
See where me and Bronson are standing, yup that's how far the rockets went!
Kelsie celebrating her win! Her simple designed rocket won!
I like this picture. Everyone is looking up watching the rockets
Mom and Derek cookin' Scones
Jammin' Out
Everybody is looking at the same thing except me, what the heck?!?
Damn this turned into a long blog, so I better wrap it up! I have had a great summer and I am not ready for it to end!